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How Do Jib Cranes Contribute to Workplace Safety

16 Nov, 2021
jib cranes can provide a major boost to your plant or warehouse operations. Also many safety-related benefits they can bring to your workplace. 

Top four ways jib cranes design contribute to workplace safety:

jib crane design for contributing to workplace safety

They help reduce injury
  • Injuries related to lifting or handling objects or materials account for the largest percentage of workplace injuries. By providing a safe means of lifting and transporting loads, jib cranes can dramatically reduce the number of strains, sprains, and other injuries.
They help reduce overcrowding
  • Many of today's warehouses and plants are busting at the seams with equipment, product, and workers. And facilities that are overcrowded leave employees at greater risk for injury. By installing ergonomic jib cranes instead of traditional cranes, you can maximize warehouse space, clean up overcrowded aisles, and help prevent injury.
Fewer parts equates to fewer breakdowns
  • Jib cranes have a simpler design that features a smaller number of components, they are less likely to breakdown and potentially cause an injury to an operator or other employee working nearby.
A simpler design promotes successful safety training
  • Safety training should be your top priority when introducing a jib crane or any new piece of equipment to your production staff. With their simple design, jib cranes are easier to operate. Employees can master operation faster and can quickly learn how to perform regular inspections.
Jib Cranes Contribute to Workplace Safety

In addition to helping your team increase their product loading and unloading efficiency, jib cranes can help you reduce lifting injuries and minimize downtime. DQCRANES supply many types of jib cranes to higher your productivity and workplace safety. Contact us to get jib crane design and price now!