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Chain hoist or rope hoist, which do you choose?

12 Jun, 2016

Chain hoist and rope hoist are widely used electric hoists for material handling. For your application, which do you select, the chain hoist or rope hoist? Now let’s see the features and selection tips on chain hoist and rope hoists.

Chain hoist or rope hoist

Chain hoist  v.s. Rope hoistChain hoist or rope hoist

Differences on chain hoist and rope hoist

Chain hoist and rope hoist perform a similar function, but act in different ways and are designed for different types of load or materials. So if you’re looking to buy a new hoist, upgrade an old one, or are just worried that you may be using the wrong type for your line of work, read on to learn a bit about the facts and requirements regarding rope hoist and chain hoist.

Using the wrong type of electric hoist materials will cost you unnecessary expenses in the future. wire rope hoist, when used unnecessarily, features a high price tag that can be avoided by using chain hoist, since the latter tends to be less expensive than wire rope hoist of a similar quality.

However, if you try to use chain hoist when wire hoist is required, your system will struggle to perform, and will require more repairs, more often.

Comparison of chain hoist and rope hoist

Rope hoist

Rope hoist

Rope hoists are most often seen in permanent, more stationary equipment, but they can still be used in hoists that are set up and torn down as needed. Unlike chain hoist (which is usually a more simple application), there are several different types of wire hoists that use various drum and motor combinations.

Sometimes grooved drums are used to increased accuracy. Sometimes multiple drums are used to compound strength. Different solutions exist for different problems.

Wire rope hoist is usually rated for heavier loads, between 2 and 30 tons, on average. Logically, this means that the higher your necessary capacity and the more your average load weighs, the more likely you’ll want to use wire rope hoist.

Wire rope hoist applications are also more suited for long work hours, when many different loads need to be handled within a short amount of time. They are also handy in intense environments where you need to take extreme heat or harsh weather conditions into account.

Wire rope hoists have some drawbacks. As previously mentioned, they are more expensive than chain hoists under most circumstances. They also tend to be larger and more complicated.

If you don’t have much room to work with, a wire system may not be practical or even possible for that particular job. Most wire hoist systems are used in factories, such as steel service, foundry, and raw material production facilities.

chain hoist

Chain hoist

In general, chain hoists are less permanent and easier to move around than wire rope hoists. This makes them more flexible when you have enough room or the necessary to switch positions when depositing loads.

Like wire rope hoist, chain hoist capacity can vary, but usually within a smaller range than wire rope hoist. Chain hoist is ideal for lesser loads, where weight is not so much of a concern — typically within the 1/8-of-a-ton to five-ton range. You will find them in smaller factories, in maintenance work, and at workstations where lifting needs to be done.

This should already give you a few ideas about how chain hoist can be used. Chain hoists come with a few other advantages, such as ease of use and applications for jib, gantry, and hand-push cranes.

Such cranes tend to involve manual movement load hooks, which wire rope can slip out of more easily; whereas chain provides a greater level of dependability.

But say that you know your capacity, and have a fairly balanced choice between wire and chain. Let’s also say that the prices you have looked at are reasonably close, and you’re still having trouble making up your mind. Which do you go with?

Keep in mind that training has a lot to do with which choice you ultimately make. Your workers may be accustomed to one system instead of the other, and switching could involve new training costs and the lower productivity that comes with inexperience.

On the other hand, you may want to switch from chain to wire if you believe that you’ll be handling larger, heavier loads in the future and it might be good to prepare now instead of waiting. Of course, you may also have a loyalty to a particular brand.

We offer a variety of chain hoist and rope hoist, as well as consulting services to help you make up your mind and identify the best option. Chain hoist and rope hoist are widely used electric hoists for material handling. For your application, which do you select, the chain hoist or rope hoist? Consult Dongqi Crane now for the selection on chain hoist and rope hoist.
